Dissertation proposal format
Dissertation Proposal Format
1. Traditional Volume-length Proposal Format for Traditional Dissertations: Proposal consists of the first three chapters: Introduction, Literature Review-Conceptual Framework, and Methodology for the proposed study.
2. National Institutes of Health (NIH) RO1 Proposal Format for Journal Article Dissertation Format: Proposal generally follows NIH R01 format but may vary depending on the nature of the study being conducted. See the NIH site or review the table below: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/r01.htm
NIH Proposal Format
Format: 11 point font, single spaced, normal margins.
Project Summary/Abstract
30 lines of text (presented on page 1)
Project narrative
3 sentences (presented on page 2)
Introduction (specific aims)
1 page (presented on page 3)
Overall goal
Research Strategy
12 pages total (pages 4-15)
Note: This section may include background information, literature review, and theoretical approach.
Significance (4-6 pages)
Investigators (2-3 pages or less)
Approach (5-6 pages)
Aims 1- 3
Research design
Expected outcomes
Potential Pitfalls and alternative strategies
Future Directions
1 – 2 paragraphs
Note: Section heads can be changed, added, or eliminated. Pages per section may vary by nature of proposed research study. These are offered as guidelines, not requirements.
Dissertation Format Options
The graduate faculty adopted a policy that allows students two options for the dissertation format. In addition to the traditional volume-length dissertation, students may negotiate with their committee for multiple (minimum of two) journal articles. See more detailed information on journal format dissertations on this page. However, students, advisors, and committees are free to work out the specific details for each dissertation, within the overall spirit and the general guidelines of this policy.
The dissertation may include materials that have been (or will be) published while the author has been a University graduate student. Students wishing to delay publication of the thesis can refer to the section, Thesis Embargo Request. See the Dissertation Format with Published Material PDF for more information.