Participating in graduate commencement ceremonies

The Department of Family Social Science encourages all graduate students to participate in the College of Education and Human Development's commencement ceremonies and celebrate the accomplishment of receiving a degree. Commencement exercises for graduate students are held at the end of spring semester. In March/April, the college will send an email directing students to sign up for participation in commencement. The sign-up triggers a workflow approval request to the student’s advisor and DGS.

FSoS Requirements for Participating in Commencement Ceremony

Students should not participate in the commencement ceremony until they have successfully defended their thesis (Master’s Plan A) or submitted their final project (Master’s Plan B) or completed their capstone interview (Master’s Plan C) or successfully defended their dissertation. In addition, at the time of commencement sign-up, (for students who have not already had their Final Oral Examination), the student's advisor must attest that the likelihood of successfully completing the Final Oral Examination or project before commencement is very high.